domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2015

Paintings Year 2015

 Untitled acrilic on canvas  70 cm x 50 cm

Family of Paintings Creation

Modular and independent shapes can be used to fast compose and fast produce some paintings  under the concept of Economic Painting .

Paintings untitled mixed media oil and acrilic on canvas 30 cm x 25 cm  each one.

segunda-feira, 12 de janeiro de 2015

Year 2014 - The Economic Painting Statement

Economic Artistic Paintings - Based on economic methods

The format and use of colour is based on the Dadaism and Suprematism artistic movements .
With the absence of the (Title), none objective art, the main aspect is the interaction between the format and the colour.

It consists of a reduction in the simplified minimum content, the plain form, the contorted uniformed colour, the value of the white unlimited backgrounds and an intemporal or spiritual dimension.

The graphic forms can be repeated as autonomous modules in various paintings that allow to rapidly produce new paintings and the formation of family sets of new ones.

Note:  The use of modules makes a painting more economic than its minimum character.

Paintings Year 2014 for the statement Economic Painting

My Artistic Signature lol

Paintings Year 2013

Paintings Year 2010